Ruth Woolsey Johnson Mott
(1881–1971) Ruth served as a director of the New York State Woman Suffrage Association in 1913 and marched in the woman suffrage parade in Washington, D.C. on March 3. Her husband, Luther Mott, was US Representative from New York's 28th (later the 32nd) congressional district (1911-1923), an early proponent of women's suffrage, and an ardent prohibitionist. On his death in 1923, former speaker, Thaddeus D. Sweet, was backed by party leaders over Ruth Mott as a candidate to replace her husband in Congress. At the same time, Ruth's supporters suggested that she be offered the position of Oswego's postmaster, which she accepted.
Ruth served as the postmaster in Oswego from 1923 to 1936. While many supporters of women's suffrage were wives or daughters of successful professional men or business leaders, Ruth achieved those roles in her own right. *Courtesy alexanderstreet.com
Riverside Cemetery
Section X, Lot 10
4024 County Rte 57, Oswego, NY 13126
Oswego County