Reverend Juanita Breckenridge Bates
(1860–1946) Rev. Juanita was an American Congregationalist minister, her application being the test case to determine the policy of the denomination. She was the first woman to be awarded a Bachelor of Divinity degree from Oberlin College (1891), and Oberlin was the first school to award this degree. While at Oberlin, she was a member of Ladies' Literary Society. For decades, Rev. Juanita was a community organizer in the women's suffrage movement.
Rev. Juanita chaired the Suffrage Party in Ithaca, New York, and was a leader of Tompkins County, New York in New York state's campaign for woman suffrage. The city of Ithaca and Tompkins County carried for suffrage.
Rev. Juanita was interested in The Social Service League, Y.W.C.A. work, and both home and foreign mission work. She served as first vice-president of the Ithaca Political Study Club; was a member of Susquehanna Ministerial Association, New York State Congregational Conference; and was a director of New York State Federation of Women's Clubs, Ithaca Woman's Club, and City Federation of Women's Organizations of Ithaca.
Lake View Cemetery
605 East Shore Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850
Tompkins County