Helen Hoy Greeley
(1878–1965) Helen was an attorney who was an early member of the Equality League of Self-Supporting Women, emphasizing a militant, aggressive form of activism in support of women's enfranchisement. Over her activist career, she was also a founding member of the College Equal Suffrage League of New York and the Original Woman Suffrage Party.
Helen held leadership roles in the Nineteenth Assembly District, Borough of Brooklyn and Borough of Manhattan Woman Suffrage Parties, and served on committees of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. She marched in the first New York suffrage parade, and is credited with beginning the practice of intensive district street speaking, demonstrating its effectiveness by speaking 56 consecutive nights on one street corner, 96th Street and Broadway.
Albany Rural Cemetery
Section 108, Plot 83
Cemetery Avenue, Menands, NY 12204
Albany County