Harriot Eaton Stanton Blatch
(1856–1940) Harriot was the daughter of lawyer, abolitionist, and NYS Senator Henry Brewster Stanton and of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, one of the pre-eminent leaders in the women's rights movement. She was active in women's groups and social reform organizations in England, where she lived with her husband until 1902.
Credited with revitalizing the American women's suffrage movement upon her return to New York, Harriot established the Equality League of Self-Supporting Women, later renamed the Women's Political Union (WPU). The WPU stressed the involvement of working women in the suffrage movement and connected women's rights with trade unionism. Under her leadership the WPU held many outside forums and organized the first of many suffrage parades in 1910. They also testified at legislative hearings, lobbied, and oversaw polling activities.
Harriot was also active in other peace and social justice movements and was a strong advocate for legislation regarding workers' and children's rights.
Woodlawn Cemetery
Lake Plot Sec. 48
4199 Webster Avenue, Bronx, NY 10470
Bronx County