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Eva Francis Curtiss Tousey
(1856–1934) From Rochester Times-Union, Tuesday, February 6, 1934: "Mrs. Tousey was born in Rochester more than 75 years ago and lived her entire life in this city and Pittsford. She was a member of the Irondequoit Chapter, Daughters of American Revolution; of the Rochester Colony of New England Women; Past Matrons Association of Northfield Chapter and was active in Reunion Group 8 School.
For many years she taught 20th Century Women's Bible Class in the Presbyterian Church at Pittsford."
Evan was a charter member of the Pittsford Political Equality Club, which was organized September 6, 1902 in Pittsford, NY.
Pittsford Cemetery
G 582
38 Washington Road, Pittsford, NY 14534
Monroe County
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