Caroline (Carrie) Gilkey Rogers
(1837–1899) Caroline often hosted suffrage meetings at her home, including prominent suffragists like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Mary Seymour Howell, and others. Her home was nicknamed the “Equal Rights Hotel” because of the warm and generous hospitality of Caroline and her husband. Mrs. Rogers was a good orator and was an active member of the women's suffrage movement in the 19th century. She often participated in debates on women's suffrage and was very critical of the fact that ignorant and illiterate men were making laws for women. Caroline became the Corresponding Secretary of the Political Equality Club of Albany and worked tirelessly for the political freedom of women. She attended and addressed state and national suffrage conventions.
In 1885 Caroline visited the polling place in the fourth election district of Lansingburg and attempted to vote by making Constitutional arguments to the polling inspectors as to why they should accept her vote. Though her name had been previously registered, Caroline's vote was refused. *courtesy
Oakwood Cemetery
Section D, Lot 211, Grave 12
50 101st Street, Troy, NY 12180
Rensselaer County